The dog Abides

The Good Life for Dogs

online dog training

Bring the FUN!

Specialized online training devoted to bringing the bliss to you and your dog!

Training Offerings

  • Trick Dog

    Trick Dog training is a delightful way to provide your dog with mental enrichment and physical activity. Best of all, your dog gets to spend some quality time with you! You’ll learn how to teach your dog Trick Dog behaviors using systematic progressions and positive reinforcement. “Oh, I really want to teach my dog this!” is always welcome!

  • Canine Fitness

    Just like us, our dogs experience the benefits of exercise and physical activity! Learn how to teach your dog exercises to improve their flexibility, balance, and strength, through positive reinforcement based training.

  • Comfortable Care

    Teach your dog to love all things husbandry, like nail trims, toothbrushing, grooming and bathing, and select veterinary procedures. You’ll learn how to integrate cooperative care into your training using dog-friendly techniques.

  • Games and Sports

    Introduce your dog to the wonderful worlds of Rally or Scentwork! In Rally, dogs and handlers move together through a course of 10-20 stations with signs depicting skills that the dog and handler perform as a team. In Scentwork, your dog learns to sniff out food, a toy, and a ball. The virtual versions of both of these sports are accessible and fun, with a focus on foundational skills.


You adore your dog

You want them to have an interesting and rich life. You know that training is one of the best ways to cultivate a lifelong connection with your best sidekick.

But, fitting dog training into your busy schedule on top of everything else is hard!

I make it easy for you.

My online classes and services are accessible and fun.

You’ll learn how to sparkle with your dog using positive-reinforcement based training.

You’ll get personalized attention, compassionate support, and constructive feedback as you learn with your dog.

Find your training sweet spot

Here, dog training is about finding that sweet spot with your dog. You’re laughing and having fun, you’re building your skill set, and that flow is happening where training feels easy and good. You and your dog are a team.

No matter where you are on your training journey with your dog, I invite you to hang out here and check things out.

I’m Joanie

I’m here to help you find happiness and connection with your dog through online training. I create meaningful experiences for you and your dog in a fun, upbeat, and empathetic learning environment. 

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Check out my blog!

I write about dogs, behavior, learning, and feelings. And sometimes furniture and burritos and pizza.